Technology and Innovation
Dec 17, 2020
Technology and Innovation is the best improvement on the progress of upgrading.China Grand has been building up the more comprehensive and advantage technical system including the3Dscanner for trial assembly inspection which already successfully used on the project of WGTP last year and the review meeting had been held today to develop the furtherapplications.Thehigh-precised computer-manipulated Auto-cutting mac hines is taking high-speed up cutting with better accuracy and edge finish.The Remote CCTV video should sort out the current limited travelling for spot workshop inspection which had been widely used for our Hong Kong projects and it should be online for more Overseas projects.We are seeking and promoting the high-tech software,mac hines,tapes and trainingetc.insuch hard situation so it ease for our projects in a comparably way to move smooth and relax the concerns from our honored clients.#innovation#